CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Optional arguments
Displays the usage for this command.
Provides more output during command execution. This may not have any effect for some commands.
The rm command is used to delete a file from an SCP directory.
As part of Role-based access implementation, users other than service are not allowed shell access and access by SCP is
restricted to a single directory. The SCP directory, /diag/share/ consists of two sub-directories in and out which contain
only files that can be transferred by SCP to and from of the management-server respectively.
mangement-server/share/in and mangement-server/share/out are contexts corresponding to the in and out
sub-directories of the SCP directory. Users without shell access use ls and rm commands to files transferred to and from the
management server with SCP.
service and admin users are authorized to delete any existing file in the SCP sub-directories. Other users are only authorized to
delete files to which they have access.
See also
user add
schedule add
Schedules a job to run at the specified times.
All contexts.
schedule add
[-t|--time] time
[-c|--command] command
Required arguments
[-t|--time] time * Date and time the job executes in crontab-style format enclosed in quote marks. Values are specified
in the crontab-style format: Minute Hour Day-of-the-Month Month Day-of-the-week
Minute - 0-59.
Hour - 0-23.
Day of the Month - 1-31.
Month - 1-12, January = 1...December = 12
Day of the week - 0-6, Sunday = 0...Saturday = 6
Commands 267