CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
schedule modify
[-j|--job] job-ID
[-t|--time] time
[-c|--command] command
Required arguments
[-j|--job] job-ID * ID of the scheduled job as displayed by the schedule list command.
[-t|--time] time * Date and time the job executes in crontab-style format enclosed in quote marks. Values are
specified in the following format:
MinuteHourDay-of-the-Month MonthDay of -he-week
Minute - 0-59.
Hour - 0-23.
Day of the Month - 1-31.
Month - 1-12, January = 1...December = 12
Day of the week - 0-6, Sunday = 0...Saturday = 6
* The CLI command to be executed at the specified time.
* - argument is positional.
To modify a job with the ID of 3 so that it runs every day at 11:00 a.m. type:
VPlexcli:/> schedule list
[0] 30 13 * * 3 syrcollect
[1] * 1 * * * tree
[2] * 2 * * * tree
[3] * 3 * * * tree
VPlexcli:/> schedule modify 3 -t "0 11 * * *" -c tree
See also
schedule list
schedule remove
schedule remove
Removes a scheduled job.
All contexts.