CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Optional arguments
Sets the specified attributes to the default values, if any exist. If no attributes are specified,
displays the default values for attributes in the current/specified given context.
Force the value to be set, bypassing any confirmations or guards.
[-a|--attributes] pattern * Attribute selector pattern.
[-v|--value] value * The new value to assign to the specified attributes.
* - argument is positional.
Use the set command with no arguments to display the attributes available in the current context.
Use the set --default command with no additional arguments to display the default values for the current context or a
specified context.
Use the set command with an attribute pattern to display the matching attributes and the required syntax for their values.
Use the set command with an attribute pattern and a value to change the value of each matching attribute to the given value.
An attribute pattern is an attribute name optionally preceded with a context glob pattern and a double-colon (::). The pattern
matches the named attribute on each context matched by the glob pattern.
If the glob pattern is omitted, set assumes the current context.
If the value and the attribute name are omitted, set displays information on all the attributes on all the matching contexts.
Display which attributes are writable in the current context, and their valid inputs:
VPlexcli:/distributed-storage/distributed-devices/TestDisDevice> set
attribute input-description
application-consistent Takes one of '0', '1', 'f', 'false', 'n', 'no', 'off', 'on',
't', 'true', 'y', 'yes' (not case sensitive).
auto-resume Takes one of '0', '1', 'f', 'false', 'n', 'no', 'off', 'on',
't', 'true', 'y', 'yes' (not case sensitive).
block-count Read-only.
block-size Read-only.
capacity Read-only.
clusters-involved Read-only.
Use the --default argument without any attribute(s) to display the default values for the current (or specified) context's
VPlexcli:/distributed-storage/distributed-devices/TestDisDevice> set --default
attribute default-value
---------------------- -----------------
application-consistent No default value.
auto-resume No default value.
block-count No default value.