CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
storage-volume claim
Claims the specified storage volumes.
All contexts.
In /clusters/cluster/storage-elements/storage-volumes context, command is claim.
storage-volume claim
[-n|--name] name
--batch-size integer
[-d|--storage-volumes] path,path...
Required arguments
* List of one or more storage volumes to claim.
Optional arguments
Make the specified storage volumes application consistent. Prevents data already on the specified
storage volumes from being deleted or overwritten during the process of constructing a virtual volume.
After a virtual volume is constructed using this storage volume, there is no restriction on the access to
the data, i.e. the data can be overwritten by host I/O.
CAUTION: The application consistent attribute may be modified using the set command
but only when the storage volume is in the claimed state. The application consistent
attribute may not be altered for storage volumes that are unclaimed or in use.
The new name of the storage volume after it is claimed.
Claims the specified storage volumes as thin. Thin storage allocates blocks of data on demand versus
allocating all the blocks up front.
If a storage volume has already been claimed, it can be designated as thin using the set command.
When using wildcards to claim multiple volumes with one command, the maximum number of storage
volumes to claim at once.
Force the storage volume to be claimed. For use with non-interactive scripts.
* - argument is positional.