CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Storage tiers allow the administrator to manage arrays based on price, performance, capacity and other attributes. If a tier ID
is assigned, the storage with a specified tier ID can be managed as a single unit. Storage volumes without a tier assignment are
assigned a value of no tier.
This command can fail if there is not a sufficient number of meta volume slots. See the troubleshooting section of the metro
node procedures in the SolVe Desktop for a resolution to this problem.
The following table lists examples to create hint files:
Table 13. Create hints files for storage-volume naming
Storage array Command to create hints file
navicli -h getlun -uid -name > Clar0400.txt
Dell EMC Symmetrix
symdev -sid 781 list -wwn > Symm0781.txt
Dell EMC metro node export storage-view map -f EMC_PROD12.txt -v <>\\ views
IBM DS4300
SMcli -c "show logicalDrives;" > DS4300_121.txt
IBM Nextra
xcli -c nextra_lab -x vol_list > Nextra_lab.txt
HP EVA sssu "select manager hostname username=username password=password"
"select system systemname "ls vdisk full" > filename.txt
Generic Text file of the following format:
> Generic storage-volumes
> VPD83T3:600a0b800011ea0a000073c5468cedbd MyName1
> 600a0b800011ea0a000073c5468cedbc MyName2
> vpd83t3:600A0b800011EA0a000073c5468cEdbD MyName3
For generic storage volumes, names may include letters, numbers, and '_'.
Use the --set-tier argument to add or change a storage tier identifier in the storage-volume names from a given storage
array. For example:
VPlexcli:/clusters/cluster-1> storage-volume claimingwizard --set-tier ="(Clar0400, L),
(Symm04A1, H)"
names all storage volumes from the CLARiiON array as Clar0400L_llun name, and all storage volumes from the Symmetrix®
array as Symm04A1H_lun name
Dell EMC Symmetrix, HDS 9970/9980 and USP V storage arrays include their array and serial number in response to SCSI
inquiries. The claiming wizard can claim their storage volumes without additional information. Names are assigned automatically.
Other storage arrays require a hints file generated by the storage administrator using the arrays command line. The hints file
contains the device names and their World Wide Names.
Use the --file argument to specify a hints file to use for naming claimed storage volumes.
In the following example, the claimingwizard command with no arguments claims storage volumes from an Dell EMC
Symmetrix array:
VPlexcli:/clusters/cluster-1> storage-volume claimingwizard
VPlexcli:/clusters/cluster-1/storage-elements/storage-volumes> ll