CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Required arguments
[-n|--name] name * The name of the new alias.
Up to 63 characters.
May contain letters, numbers, and underscores '_'. s
Cannot start with a number.
[-t|--to] commands and
* A string of commands and arguments enclosed in quotation marks. This string is invoked
when the aliased command is used.
* - argument is positional.
Aliases are shortcuts for frequently used commands or commands that require long strings of context identifiers.
Use the alias command with no arguments to display a list of all aliases configured on the system.
Use the alias name command to display the underlying string of the specified alias.
Use the alias name string of CLI commands" command to create an alias with the specified name that invokes the specified
string of commands.
Use the unalias command to delete an alias.
? Substitutes for the help command.
ll Substitutes for the ls -a command.
quit Substitutes for the exit command.
An alias that executes correctly in one context may conflict with an existing command when executed from another context
(pre-existing commands are executed before aliases if the syntax is identical).
The following aliases are pre-configured:
1. Local command in the current context.
2. Global command in the current context.
3. Root context is searched for a match.
An alias set at the command line does not persist when the user interface is restarted. To create an alias command that
persists, add it to the /var/log/VPlex/cli/VPlexcli-init file.
Make sure that the alias name is unique, that is, not identical to an existing command or alias.
Create an alias:
VPlexcli:/> alias mon-Dir-1-1-B "cd /monitoring/directors/director-1-1-B"
Display a list of aliases:
VPlexcli:/> alias
Name Description
--------------- -------------------------------------------------------
? Substitutes the 'help' command.
mon-Dir-1-1-B Substitutes the 'cd /monitoring/directors/director-1-1-B'
ll Substitutes the 'ls -al' command.
quit Substitutes the 'exit' command.
Display a specified alias:
VPlexcli:/> alias mon-Dir-1-1-B
Name Description