CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
-------------- ------------- ------------------ ------------------
--------------------------- ------------------
director-1-1-A A1-FC00 0xc00144878bda0800 0x5000144260321e00 EMC-Invista-rc-
surry-1 Manually isolated
A1-FC01 0xc00144878bda0900 0x5006016547e01af9 EMC-CLARiiON-
APM00164919257 Manually isolated
director-1-1-B B1-FC01 0xc00144878bda8900 0x5006016547e01af9 EMC-CLARiiON-
APM00164919257 Manually isolated
List all degraded I-Ts grouped by array
VPlexcli:/> back-end degraded list --group-by
Degraded I-Ts:
Array Director Director Port Initiator
Target Degradation Reason
--------------------------- -------------- ------------- ------------------
------------------ ------------------
EMC-CLARiiON-APM00164919257 director-1-1-A A1-FC01 0xc00144878bda0900
0x5006016547e01af9 Manually isolated
director-1-1-B B1-FC01 0xc00144878bda8900
0x5006016547e01af9 Manually isolated
EMC-Invista-rc-surry-1 director-1-1-A A1-FC00 0xc00144878bda0800
0x5000144260321e00 Manually isolated
See also
back-end degraded recover
back-end degraded recover
Recovers the specified degraded I-Ts.
All contexts.
back-end degraded recover
[-p|--paths= <paths>]
Optional arguments
Display the usage for this command.
Provides more output during command execution.
[-p|--paths= <paths>]
The degraded I-Ts to recover. Each I-T must be expressed as a pair in the form
38 Commands