CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Individual migrations may ask for confirmation when they start. Use the --force argument to suppress these requests for
Batch migrations across clusters can result in the following error:
VPlexcli:/> batch-migrate start /var/log/VPlex/cli/migrate.txt
The source device 'SveTest_tgt_r0_case2_1_0002' has a volume
'SveTest_tgt_r0_case2_1_0002_vol' in a view. Migrating to device
'SveTest_src_r0_case2_2_0002' will create a synchronous distributed device. In this GEO
system, this can increase the per I/O latency on 'SveTest_tgt_r0_case2_1_0002_vol'. If
applications using 'SveTest_tgt_r0_case2_1_0002_vol' are sensitive to this latency, they
may experience data unavailability. Do you wish to proceed ? (Yes/No) y
WARNING: Failed to start migration /clusters/cluster-1/devices/
SveTest_tgt_r0_case2_1_0002 --> /clusters/cluster-2/devices/SveTest_src_r0_case2_2_0002
: Evaluation of <<dm migration start -n BR0_0 -f /clusters/cluster-1/devices/
SveTest_tgt_r0_case2_1_0002 -t /clusters/cluster-2/devices/SveTest_src_r0_case2_2_0002
-s 128kB>> failed.
Failed to create a new data-migration.
Unable to attach mirror 'SveTest_src_r0_case2_2_0002' to distributed Device
Firmware command error.
Active metadata device does not have a free slot.
Started 0 of 1 migrations.
Refer to the troubleshooting section of the metro node procedures in the SolVe Desktop for instructions on increasing the
number of slots.
About transfer-size
Transfer-size is the size of the region in cache used to service the migration. The area is globally locked, read at the source, and
written at the target.
Transfer-size can be as small 40 K, as large as 128 M, and must be a multiple of 4 K. The default recommended value is 128 K.
A larger transfer-size results in higher performance for the migration, but may negatively impact front-end I/O. This is especially
true for metro node Metro migrations.
A smaller transfer-size results in lower performance for the migration, but creates less impact on front-end I/O and response
times for hosts.
Set a large transfer-size for migrations when the priority is data protection or migration performance. Set a smaller transfer-size
for migrations when the priority is front-end storage response time.
Factors to consider when specifying the transfer-size:
For metro node Metro configurations with narrow inter-cluster bandwidth, set the transfer size lower so the migration does
not impact inter-cluster I/O.
The region specified by transfer-size is locked during migration. Host I/O to or from that region is held. Set a smaller
transfer-size during periods of high host I/O.
When a region of data is transferred, a broadcast is sent to the system. Smaller transfer-size mean more broadcasts, slowing
the migration.
VPlexcli:/> batch-migrate start --file BS0_19 --transfer-size 1M
See also
batch-migrate cancel
batch-migrate check-plan
batch-migrate clean
batch-migrate commit
batch-migrate create-plan