CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
When a cluster completes shutting down, the following log message is generated for each director at the cluster:
'Director shutdown complete (cluster shutdown)'
In the following example:
The cluster shutdown command without the --force argument starts the shutdown of the specified cluster.
Because the --force argument was not used, a prompt to continue is displayed.
The cluster summary commands display the transition to shutdown.
The ll command in clusters/cluster-n context displays the shutdown cluster.
VPlexcli:/> cluster shutdown -c cluster-1
VPlexcli:/> cluster shutdown cluster-1
Warning: Shutting down a VPlex cluster may cause data unavailability. Please refer to
the VPlex documentation for the recommended procedure for shutting down a cluster. To
show that you understand the impact enter 'SHUTDOWN': SHUTDOWN
You have chosen to shutdown 'cluster-1'. To confirm, enter 'cluster-1': cluster-1
Status Description
-------- -----------------
Started. Shutdown started.
VPlexcli:/> cluster summary
Name Cluster ID TLA Connected Expelled
Operational Status Health State
--------- ---------- --------- --------- --------
------------------ ------------
cluster-1 1 FNM00103600160 true false
unknown unknown
cluster-2 2 FNM00103600161 true false ok
Island ID Clusters
--------- --------------------
1 cluster-1, cluster-2
VPlexcli:/> cluster summary
Name Cluster ID TLA Connected
Expelled Operational Status Health State
--------- ---------- --------- --------- --------
------------------ ------------
cluster-1 1 FNM00103600160 false -
- -
cluster-2 2 FNM00103600161 true false
degraded degraded
Island ID Clusters
--------- ---------
2 cluster-2
Connectivity problems:
From Problem To
--------- --------- ---------
cluster-2 can't see cluster-1
VPlexcli:/> ll /clusters/cluster-1
Name Value
---------------------- ------------
allow-auto-join -
auto-expel-count -
auto-expel-period -
auto-join-delay -
cluster-id 7
connected false
default-cache-mode -
default-caw-template true