CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Required arguments Description
director Director to discover.
Optional arguments Description
Display connectivity from the specified director to storage volumes.
Display connectivity from the specified director to initiators.
Display connectivity from the specified director to other directors.
[-f|--file] filename Save the output in the specified file. Default: /var/log/VPlex/cli
[-s|--sort-by] {name|wwn|port}
Sort output by one of the following:
name - Sort output by storage volume name.
wwn - Sort output by WorldWide name.
port - Sort output by port.
Prints a table of discovered storage volumes, initiators and directors. Lists the ports on which it discovered each storage
volume, initiator and director.
See also
connectivity show
connectivity validate-be
connectivity list all
Displays the initiators, storage volumes, directors, and the targets connected to a director.
/: connectivity list all
/clusters/*/directors/*/: list all
connectivity list all
[-h| --help]
[-n| --directors]context path, context path...
[-f| ] filename
[-d| ]
[-i| ]
[-v| ]
[-t| ]
[-s| --sort-by]key