CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Provides additional output during command execution. This may not have any effect
for some commands.
[-n | --directors] context
path , context path ...
Source director(s) for which connectivity should be reported.
[-f | --file] filename Writes the connectivity report to the named file instead of echoing it. If the file exists,
any previous contents will be lost. You can write the output to a file by using an
absolute path, or by using a path relative to the CLI directory.
[-s | --sort-by] key The field by which to sort the storage volume information (name, wwn or port).
[-l | --long-luns]
Display LUNs as 16-digit hex-strings instead of as integers.
Lists the storage volumes connected to a director. For each director, the list includes the address, protocol, and local port name
by which each remote director is connected to the specified directors.
See also
connectivity list all
connectivity list directors
connectivity list initiators
connectivity show
Displays the communication endpoints that can see each other.
All contexts.
connectivity show
[e|--endpoints] port, port,...
Optional arguments
{ib|tcp|udp} [-p|--
protocol] {fc|ib|
Display endpoints with only the specified protocol. Arguments are case-sensitive, and include:
fc - Fibre Channel.
ib - InfiniBand. Not supported in the current release. Use the connectivity director
command to display IB protocol connectivity.
tcp - Transmission Control Protocol.
udp - UDP-based Data Transfer Protocol.
List of one or more ports for which to display endpoints. Entries must be separated by commas.
Default: Display endpoints for all ports.
Commands 85