Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Specify only one type of target per monitor. For example, you cannot create a monitor that includes both port and storage
volumes as targets.
2. Determine how often the monitor should collect statistics.
3. Use the monitor create command to create a monitor.
4. Use the monitor add-sink commands to add one or more sinks to the monitor.
Add a console sink to send performance data to the metro node management console.
Add a file sink to send performance data to a specified file.
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for each director.
6. The monitor begins operation (polling and collecting performance data) when the sink is added to the monitor.
To disable automatic polling without deleting the monitor or its sinks, do one of the following:
Use the set command to change the monitors period attribute to 0.
Use the set command to change the sinks enabled attribute to false.
7. Use the monitor collect command to update and collect statistics immediately without waiting for the monitors next
automatic collection.
8. Monitor output.
Console sinks display monitor output on the console.
For file sinks, navigate to /var/log/VPlex/cli/ on the management server and use the tail -f filename to display
the output,
Send output to a csv file, open the file in Microsoft Excel and create a chart.
Do NOT edit the CSV file in Microsoft Excel, and then save the file. Excel removes the seconds field, resulting in duplicate
timestamps. Use Excel to look at the CSV files, but dont save any edits.
9. Use the monitor destroy command to remove the monitor.
Creating a monitor
Use the monitor create command to create a monitor and specify the statistics collected by the monitor.
About this task
See the Online Help for a complete list of available performance monitor statistics.
Create a simple monitor with the default period, and no targets:
VPlexcli:/monitoring> monitor create --name TestMonitor --director director-2-1-B --
stats director.fe-read,director.fe-write
Successfully created 1 monitor(s) out of 1.
Create a monitor to collect statistics from the director category on /engines/engine-1-1/directors/director-1-1-A every 10
VPlexcli:/monitoring> monitor create --name DirStats --period 10s --director /clusters/
cluster-1/directors/director-1-1-A --stats director.*
Create a monitor to collect statistics on all storage volumes at cluster-1:
VPlexcli:/monitoring> monitor create --name SVStats-Cluster1 --director /clusters/
cluster-1/directors/director-1-1-A --stats storage-volume.* --targets /clusters/
Create a monitor to collect all front-end statistics on front-end port I0-01:
VPlexcli:/monitoring> monitor create --name FE-FC01-stats --director /clusters/cluster-1/
directors/director-1-1-A --stats fe-prt.* --targets /clusters/cluster-1/directors/
Performance and Monitoring