
Table Of Contents
Step 2: Select volume options
Select mirroring on the cluster where the virtual volumes will be created (optional), the quantity, size and base name for the
virtual volumes, and then enter a name for the provisioning job (optional).
High Availability Select this check box to enable mirroring at the cluster indicated. The option to mirror at a cluster is
disabled if you have less than two arrays in the cluster.
For a local consistency group, select the check box to enable mirroring at the local cluster.
For a distributed consistency group, select the appropriate check box to enable mirroring at one cluster or both clusters, or
leave both check boxes clear to disable mirroring.
Number of Volumes The number of volumes to create. You can create a maximum of 10 volumes at a time. Each volume will
have the same RAID geometry.
NOTE: For Unity arrays, you can provision only one volume at a time.
Capacity Per Volume The size of each volume. Select the size in MB, GB or TB. The minimum size is 150MB. Each volume
will have the same capacity.
Total Capacity The total capacity of all the virtual volumes to be created.
Volume Base Name Type a base name for the virtual volumes. A number will be added to the base name for each volume
created. For example, using the base name Test, volumes will be named Test_1, Test_2, Test_3, and so forth. You can reuse the
base name to provision additional volumes. Metro node will continue to increment the number at the end of the name, beginning
with the highest existing numeric suffix.
Job Name Select the Specify a job name check box, and then type a name for the provisioning job to be created. This
field is optional. If you do not specify a job name, the volume base name will be used. If the job name you enter is already in
use, a numeric suffix will be added to the job name to make it unique, for example, jobname_n. Where n is the first available
number that makes the name unique. Or, you can choose to use a different name. You can see currently used job names in the
Provision Jobs Status page under Monitoring. The job name must meet the following criteria:
Maximum of 64 characters
Must begin with a letter
Must include only numbers, letters, underscores, or dashes
To discard all selections made on the previous screen and restart the wizard from Step 1, click Start Over in the lower-right
corner of the screen.
To go back to a specific step, click Back until you reach that step.
Step 3: Select a storage pool
Select a storage array, and then select a storage pool and storage group on the array for the volumes to be created.
V3GR arrays only: Selecting a policy/workload
For V3GR arrays, policies define a level of performance (based on an average response time) required by the storage workload.
Refer to the array documentation for more information.
Note the following:
If you select a policy, storage pools and storage groups with the same policy are available for selection.
If you select None, pools with any type of policy, and workloads with no policy are available for selection.
If you select Optimized, only system-optimized pools and storage groups with optimized policies are available for selection.
Selecting a workload is optional, however, if you select a policy and a workload, the storage pools and storage groups with
the same Policy+Workload are listed for selection.
Selecting a storage pool
The Storage Pool section shows the following information about the storage pools on the selected array:
Name The name of the pool on the array.
Policy The type of policy associated with the storage pool.
Provisioning storage