
Table Of Contents
Selecting a storage group
By default, metro node will automatically select a storage group for the newly created volumes, based on compatible policies,
and the lowest amount of volumes in the group. However, if you want to select a storage group, click the Storage Group
drop-down box, and then select Select from list to show the available storage groups to choose from.
NOTE: For V3GR arrays only, the Storage Group drop-down box changes to a selection list because a storage group is
required. For all other arrays, the storage group is optional.
The Storage Group section shows the following information about available storage groups:
Name The name of a storage group on the selected array.
Policy The type of policy associated with the storage pool (if any). Metro node lists only storage groups with policies
that match that of the selected pool, and storage groups with no associated policies.
Parent The name of the parent storage group (if applicable).
Masking views The name of the masking view associated with the storage group (if applicable).
# Volumes The number of volumes currently in the storage group.
To discard all selections made on previous screens and restart the wizard from Step 1, click Start Over in the lower-right corner
of the screen.
To go back to a specific step, click Back until you reach that step.
Step 3: Select a pool for each mirror in the cluster
Select an array to provide storage for each mirror in the cluster, and then select a pool from the list of available pools on the
array. To ensure high availability, the array selected for one mirror is automatically filtered from the list of arrays available for
other mirror.
V3GR arrays only: Selecting a policy or workload
For V3GR arrays, policies define a level of performance (based on an average response time) required by the storage workload.
Refer to your array documentation for more information.
Note the following:
When you select a policy, storage pools and storage groups with the same policy are available for selection.
If you select None, pools with any type of policy, and workloads with no policy are listed for selected for selection.
If you select Optimized, only system-optimized pools and storage groups with optimized policies are available for selection.
Selecting a workload is optional, however, if you select a policy and a workload, the storage pools and storage groups with
the same Policy+Workload are listed for selection.
Selecting a storage pool
The Storage Pool section shows the following information about the storage pools on the selected array:
Name The name of the pool on the array.
Policy The type of policy associated with the storage pool.
Type Indicates whether the pool is capable of provisioning thick volumes, thin volumes, or both. If you select a thin pool,
a thin rebuild will be automatically set for the storage volume that is created during the provisioning process.
Free The amount of storage available for provisioning from the pool.
Total The total amount of storage available from the pool.
To create thin volumes, the selected pools must be thin capable and the supporting arrays must belong to the same
array family.
Selecting a storage group
By default, metro node will automatically select a storage group for the newly created volumes, based on compatible policies,
and the lowest amount of volumes in the group. However, if you want to select a storage group, click the Storage Group
drop-down box, and then select Select from list to show the available storage groups to choose from.
Provisioning storage