
Table Of Contents
Applying detach rules
When you create a consistency group that contains distributed or global virtual volumes, you must select a detach rule to
determine if and where I/O continues during an inter-cluster link failure. Note that detach rules are applied per consistency
group. Creating a consistency group provides detailed information on the detach rules available for consistency groups and their
effect on I/O during a link failure.
Using the Consistency Groups view
The Consistency Groups view shows all the consistency groups in the selected cluster. Use this view to quickly view
information about a consistency group. By default, consistency groups are sorted by name in ascending alphabetical order. The
arrow in the default sort column indicates the direction of the sort; ascending ( ) or descending ( ). You can sort columns of
data, select one or more consistency groups in the list, and show or hide properties in the view.
NOTE: The default view shows both distributed and non-distributed consistency groups. To display only distributed
consistency groups, see the View distributed consistency groups.
Default view
The screen shows the following information about the Consistency Groups:
Column Description
Consistency Group The name of the consistency group.
Operational Status The overall status of the consistency group. If the consistency group is
distributed and status at both clusters is not the same, the status that is
not OK displays. Click the status link for detailed information about the status.
If the consistency group is distributed, the GUI displays the status at each
cluster. Consistency group status provides more information.
Detach Rule The detach rule that applies to the consistency group.
Volumes Indicates the number of volumes in the consistency group.
Visibility Lists the clusters at which the consistency group is visible.
Storage at Clusters Indicates if the volumes in the group use storage from one cluster, or both
Selected Consistency Group
Shows the virtual volumes in the selected consistency group, and allows you
to add or remove virtual volumes from the consistency group.
Additional tasks
You can also perform the following tasks from the Consistency Groups view:
View consistency group properties Click the consistency group name to view the properties at the right side of the
screen in the properties panel.
View properties of virtual volumes in a consistency group Click the virtual volume name in the Components of Selected
Consistency Group panel on the right.
Create a consistency group Click CREATE.
Delete a consistency group Select a consistency group, and then click DELETE .
Rename a consistency group Click the consistency group name link to open its properties panel. Click Rename to change
the Consistency Group Name..
Search for a consistency group Type the complete or partial group name in the Search text box, and then press Enter.
Add or remove virtual volumes from a consistency group Select a consistency group in the list, go to VITRUAL
VOLUMES tab in the properties panel, and then click Add or Remove.
Provisioning storage