Users Guide

Pin Assignments
You can connect to the console using a RJ-45 to RJ-45 rollover cable and a RJ-45 to DB-9 female DTE adapter to a terminal server (for
example, a PC).
The pin assignments between the console and a DTE terminal server are as follows:
Table 2. Pin Assignments Between the Console and a DTE Terminal Server
Console Port RJ-45 to RJ-45 Rollover
RJ-45 to RJ-45 Rollover
RJ-45 to DB-9 Adapter Terminal Server Device
Signal RJ-45 Pinout RJ-45 Pinout DB-9 Pin Signal
RTS 1 8 8 CTS
NC 2 7 6 DSR
TxD 3 6 2 RxD
GND 4 5 5 GND
GND 5 4 5 GND
RxD 6 3 3 TxD
NC 7 2 4 DTR
CTS 8 1 7 RTS
Accessing the CLI Interface and Running Scripts
Using SSH
In addition to the capability to access a device using a console connection or a Telnet session, you can also use SSH for secure, protected
communication with the device. You can open an SSH session and run commands or script les. This method of connectivity is supported
with S4810, S4048–ON, S3048–ON, S4820T, and Z9000 switches and provides a reliable, safe communication mechanism.
Entering CLI commands Using an SSH Connection
You can run CLI commands by entering any one of the following syntax to connect to a switch using the precongured user credentials
using SSH:
ssh username@hostname <CLI Command>
echo <CLI Command> | ssh admin@hostname
The SSH server transmits the terminal commands to the CLI shell and the results are displayed on the screen non-interactively.
Executing Local CLI Scripts Using an SSH Connection
You can execute CLI commands by entering a CLI script in one of the following ways:
ssh username@hostname <CLIscript.file>
Getting Started