Users Guide

VTY Line Local Authentication and Authorization
Dell Networking OS retrieves the access class from the local database.
To use this feature:
1 Create a username.
2 Enter a password.
3 Assign an access class.
4 Enter a privilege level.
You can assign line authentication on a per-VTY basis; it is a simple password authentication, using an access-class as authorization.
Congure local authentication globally and congure access classes on a per-user basis.
Dell Networking OS can assign dierent access classes to dierent users by username. Until users attempt to log in, Dell Networking OS
does not know if they will be assigned a VTY line. This means that incoming users always see a login prompt even if you have excluded
them from the VTY line with a deny-all access class. After users identify themselves, Dell Networking OS retrieves the access class from
the local database and applies it. (Dell Networking OS then can close the connection if a user is denied access.)
NOTE: If a VTY user logs in with RADIUS authentication, the privilege level is applied from the RADIUS server only if you
congure RADIUS authentication.
The following example shows how to allow or deny a Telnet connection to a user. Users see a login prompt even if they cannot log in. No
access class is congured for the VTY line. It defaults from the local database.
Example of Conguring VTY Authorization Based on Access Class Retrieved from a Local Database (Per User)
Dell(conf)#user gooduser password abc privilege 10 access-class permitall
Dell(conf)#user baduser password abc privilege 10 access-class denyall
Dell(conf)#aaa authentication login localmethod local
Dell(conf)#line vty 0 9
Dell(config-line-vty)#login authentication localmethod
VTY Line Remote Authentication and Authorization
Dell Networking OS retrieves the access class from the VTY line.
The Dell Networking OS takes the access class from the VTY line and applies it to ALL users. Dell Networking OS does not need to know
the identity of the incoming user and can immediately apply the access class. If the authentication method is RADIUS, TACACS+, or line,
and you have congured an access class for the VTY line, Dell Networking OS immediately applies it. If the access-class is set to deny all or
deny for the incoming subnet, Dell Networking OS closes the connection without displaying the login prompt. The following example shows
how to deny incoming connections from subnet without displaying a login prompt. The example uses TACACS+ as the
authentication mechanism.
Example of Conguring VTY Authorization Based on Access Class Retrieved from the Line (Per Network Address)
Dell(conf)#ip access-list standard deny10
Dell(conf-ext-nacl)#deny any
Dell(conf)#aaa authentication login tacacsmethod tacacs+
Dell(conf)#tacacs-server host key Force10
Dell(conf)#line vty 0 9
Dell(config-line-vty)#login authentication tacacsmethod