Users Guide

Enabling QoS Rate Adjustment
By default while rate limiting, policing, and shaping, Dell Networking OS does not include the Preamble, SFD, or the IFG fields. These fields
are overhead; only the fields from MAC destination address to the CRC are used for forwarding and are included in these rate metering
The Ethernet packet format consists of:
Preamble: 7 bytes Preamble
Start frame delimiter (SFD): 1 byte
Destination MAC address: 6 bytes
Source MAC address: 6 bytes
Ethernet Type/Length: 2 bytes
Payload: (variable)
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC): 4 bytes
Inter-frame gap (IFG): (variable)
You can optionally include overhead fields in rate metering calculations by enabling QoS rate adjustment.
QoS rate adjustment is disabled by default.
Specify the number of bytes of packet overhead to include in rate limiting, policing, and shaping calculations.
qos-rate-adjust overhead-bytes
For example, to include the Preamble and SFD, type qos-rate-adjust 8. For variable length overhead fields, know the number of
bytes you want to include.
The default is disabled.
The range is from 1 to 31.
Enabling Strict-Priority Queueing
In strict-priority queuing, the system de-queues all packets from the assigned queue before servicing any other queues. You can assign
strict-priority to one unicast queue, using the strict-priority command.
Policy-based per-queue rate shaping is not supported on the queue configured for strict-priority queuing. To use queue-based rate-
shaping as well as strict-priority queuing at the same time on a queue, use the Scheduler Strict feature as described in Scheduler
Strict .
The strict-priority supersedes bandwidth-percentage configuration.
A queue with strict priority can starve other queues in the same port-pipe.
Assign strict priority to one unicast queue.
The range is from 1 to 3.
Weighted Random Early Detection
Weighted random early detection (WRED) is a congestion avoidance mechanism that drops packets to prevent buffering resources from
being consumed.
The WRED congestion avoidance mechanism drops packets to prevent buffering resources from being consumed.
Quality of Service (QoS)