Administrator Guide

Tx Period: 90 seconds
Quiet Period: 120 seconds
ReAuth Max: 2
Supplicant Timeout: 30 seconds
Server Timeout: 30 seconds
Re-Auth Interval: 3600 seconds
Max-EAP-Req: 10
Auth PAE State: Initialize
Backend State: Initialize
Forcibly Authorizing or Unauthorizing a Port
The 802.1X ports can be placed into any of the three states:
ForceAuthorized — an authorized state. A device connected to this port in this state is never subjected to the authentication
process, but is allowed to communicate on the network. Placing the port in this state is same as disabling 802.1X on the port.
ForceUnauthorized — an unauthorized state. A device connected to a port in this state is never subjected to the authentication
process and is not allowed to communicate on the network. Placing the port in this state is the same as shutting down the port. Any
attempt by the supplicant to initiate authentication is ignored.
Auto — an unauthorized state by default. A device connected to this port in this state is subjected to the authentication process. If
the process is successful, the port is authorized and the connected device can communicate on the network. All ports are placed in
the Auto state by default.
To set the port state, use the following command.
Place a port in the ForceAuthorized, ForceUnauthorized, or Auto state.
dot1x port-control {force-authorized | force-unauthorized | auto}
The default state is auto.
The example shows configuration information for a port that has been force-authorized.
The bold line shows the new port-control state.
DellEMC(conf-if-Gi-1/1)#dot1x port-control force-authorized
DellEMC(conf-if-Gi-1/1)#show dot1x interface GigabitEthernet 1/1
802.1x information on Gi 1/1:
Dot1x Status: Enable
Port Auth Status: UNAUTHORIZED
Re-Authentication: Disable
Untagged VLAN id: None
Tx Period: 90 seconds
Quiet Period: 120 seconds
ReAuth Max: 2
Supplicant Timeout: 30 seconds
Server Timeout: 30 seconds
Re-Auth Interval: 3600 seconds
Max-EAP-Req: 10
Auth PAE State: Initialize
Backend State: Initialize
Auth PAE State: Initialize
Backend State: Initialize
Re-Authenticating a Port
You can configure the authenticator for periodic re-authentication.
After the supplicant has been authenticated, and the port has been authorized, you can configure the authenticator to re-authenticate the
supplicant periodically. If you enable re-authentication, the supplicant is required to re-authenticate every 3600 seconds by default, and
you can configure this interval. You can configure the maximum number of re-authentications as well.
To configure re-authentication time settings, use the following commands: