Administrator Guide

54/1 69 0 0 0
0 0
54/2 70 0 0 0
0 0
54/3 71 0 0 0
0 0
54/4 72 0 0 0
0 0
Internal 53 0 0 0
0 0
Internal 57 4659499 0 0
0 0
Dataplane Statistics
The show hardware stack-unit cpu data-plane statistics command provides insight into the packet types coming to
the CPU. The show hardware stack-unit cpu party-bus statistics command displays input and output statistics on the
party bus, which carries inter-process communication traffic between CPUs.
The command output in the following example has been augmented, providing detailed RX/ TX packet statistics on a per-queue basis. The
objective is to see whether CPU-bound traffic is internal (so-called party bus or IPC traffic) or network control traffic, which the CPU
must process.
Example of Viewing Dataplane Statistics
DellEMC#show hardware stack-unit 1 cpu data-plane statistics
bc pci driver statistics for device:
rxHandle :773
noMhdr :0
noMbuf :0
noClus :0
recvd :773
dropped :0
recvToNet :773
rxError :0
rxFwdError :0
rxDatapathErr :0
rxPkt(COS0 ) :0
rxPkt(COS1 ) :0
rxPkt(COS2 ) :0
rxPkt(COS3 ) :0
rxPkt(COS4 ) :0
rxPkt(COS5 ) :0
rxPkt(COS6 ) :0
rxPkt(COS7 ) :0
rxPkt(COS8 ) :773
rxPkt(COS9 ) :0
rxPkt(COS10) :0
rxPkt(COS11) :0
rxPkt(UNIT0) :773
transmitted :12698
txRequested :12698
noTxDesc :0
txError :0
txReqTooLarge :0
txInternalError :0
txDatapathErr :0
txPkt(COS0 ) :0
txPkt(COS1 ) :0
txPkt(COS2 ) :0
txPkt(COS3 ) :0
txPkt(COS4 ) :0
txPkt(COS5 ) :0
txPkt(COS6 ) :0
txPkt(COS7 ) :0
txPkt(COS8 ) :0
txPkt(COS9 ) :0
txPkt(COS10) :0
Debugging and Diagnostics