Administrator Guide

Dell#power inline suspend stack-unit 1
Use the following command to check the suspended state.
Dell#show power inline stack-unit 1
% Error: Power to stack-unit 1 is in suspended state.
To restore the power again, you can use the power inline restore stack-unit unit number command. See Restore Power
Delivery on a Port.
Restore Power Delivery on a Port
You can temporarily disable and then restore power on a port.
To disable the power delivery, see Suspend Power Delivery on a Port. To restore the suspended inline power, use the power inline
restore stack-unit unit number command.
Dell#power inline restore stack-unit 1
Use the following command to check the restored power:
Dell#show power detail stack-unit 1
Unit Total System Redundancy Inline Inline Inline Inline Inline
Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power
Available Consumed Consumed Threshold Available Allocated Consumed Remaining
(Watts) (Watts) (Watts) (%) (Watts) (Watts) (Watts) (Watts)
1 1100 150 0 10 95 0 0 95
Display the Power Details
You can view the power allocated to a port and the power consumed by a port by using the following commands.
To view the power allocated, use the show power inline {stack-unit unit number | interface interface SLOT/
PORT} command.
Dell#show power inline stack-unit 1
Global inline power Threshold : 10
Power Reserved for inline Power: 95W
Total Inline Power Consumed: 0W
Remaining inline power Available: 95W
Power Management Mode: Class
Interface Inline Power Inline Power Class Device PoE Port LLDP
Max / Alloc Consumed Type Priority Support
(Watts) (Watts)
--------- ------------ ------------ ------- ------ -------- ------
Gi 1/1 0.00 /0.00 0.00 NO_DEVICE - high
To view the power consumption details, use the show power detail {stack-unit unit number} command.
Dell#show power detail stack-unit 1
Unit Total System Redundancy Inline Inline Inline Inline Inline
Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power
Available Consumed Consumed Threshold Available Allocated Consumed Remaining
(Watts) (Watts) (Watts) (%) (Watts) (Watts) (Watts) (Watts)
Power over Ethernet (PoE)