Administrator Guide

Supplicant Timeout: 30 seconds
Server Timeout: 30 seconds
Re-Auth Interval: 3600 seconds
Max-EAP-Req: 2
Auth PAE State: Authenticated
Backend State: Idle
Conguring Request Identity Re-Transmissions
When the authenticator sends a Request Identity frame and the supplicant does not respond, the authenticator waits for 30 seconds and
then re-transmits the frame.
The amount of time that the authenticator waits before re-transmitting and the maximum number of times that the authenticator re-
transmits can be congured.
NOTE: There are several reasons why the supplicant might fail to respond; for example, the supplicant might have been booting
when the request arrived or there might be a physical layer problem.
To congure re-transmissions, use the following commands.
Congure the amount of time that the authenticator waits before re-transmitting an EAP Request Identity frame.
dot1x tx-period number
The range is from 1 to 65535 (1 year)
The default is 30.
Congure the maximum number of times the authenticator re-transmits a Request Identity frame.
dot1x max-eap-req number
The range is from 1 to 10.
The default is 2.
The example in Conguring a Quiet Period after a Failed Authentication shows conguration information for a port for which the
authenticator re-transmits an EAP Request Identity frame after 90 seconds and re-transmits for 10 times.
Conguring a Quiet Period after a Failed Authentication
If the supplicant fails the authentication process, the authenticator sends another Request Identity frame after 30 seconds by default. You
can congure this period.
: The quiet period (dot1x quiet-period) is the transmit interval after a failed authentication; the Request Identity Re-
transmit interval (dot1x tx-period) is for an unresponsive supplicant.
To congure a quiet period, use the following command.
Congure the amount of time that the authenticator waits to re-transmit a Request Identity frame after a failed authentication.
dot1x quiet-period seconds
The range is from 1 to 65535.
The default is 60 seconds.