CLI Guide

max-retry number (OPTIONAL) Enter the keywords max-retry then the
number of maximum password retries. The range is from 0
to 16.
(OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword lockout-period then the
number of minutes. The range is from 1 to 1440 minutes.
The default is
0 minutes and the lockout-period is not
enabled. This parameter enhances the security of the switch
by locking out sessions on the Telnet or SSH sessions for
which there has been a consecutive failed login attempts.
The console is not locked out.
(OPTIONAL) Enter the keywords character-restriction
to indicate a character restriction for the password.
upper number (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword upper then the upper
number. The range is from 0 to 31.
lower number (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword lower then the lower
number. The range is from 0 to 31.
numeric number (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword numeric then the numeric
number. The range is from 0 to 31.
(OPTIONAL) Enter the keywords special-char then the
number of special characters permitted. The range is from 0
to 31.
The following special characters are supported:
! " # % & ' ( ) ; < = > ? [ \ ] * + , - . / : ^ _ { | } ~ @ $
Defaults none
Command History
This guide is platform-specific. For command information about other platforms,
see the relevant Dell Networking OS Command Line Reference Guide.
Version Description
9.8(2.0) Introduced on the S3100 series.
9.8(0.0P5) Introduced on the S4048-ON.
9.8(0.0P2) Introduced on the S3048-ON.
9.7(0.0) Introduced on the S6000–ON.
9.5(0.1) Introduced lockout-period option on the Z9500.
9.5(0.0) Introduced lockout-period option on the Z9000, S6000,
S4820T, S4810, and MXL.
9.2(1.0) Introduced on the Z9500. Introduced on the S6000.