Concept Guide

After a route matches a lter, the lter’s action is applied. No additional lters are applied to the route.
Implementation Information
In Dell EMC Networking OS, prex lists are used in processing routes for routing protocols (for example, router information protocol [RIP],
open shortest path rst [OSPF], and border gateway protocol [BGP]).
NOTE: It is important to know which protocol your system supports prior to implementing prex-lists.
Conguration Task List for Prex Lists
To congure a prex list, use commands in PREFIX LIST, ROUTER RIP, ROUTER OSPF, and ROUTER BGP modes.
Create the prex list in PREFIX LIST mode and assign that list to commands in ROUTER RIP, ROUTER OSPF and ROUTER BGP modes.
The following list includes the conguration tasks for prex lists, as described in the following sections.
Conguring a prex list
Use a prex list for route redistribution
For a complete listing of all commands related to prex lists, refer to the Dell EMC Networking OS Command Line Interface Reference
Creating a Prex List
To create a prex list, use the following commands.
1 Create a prex list and assign it a unique name.
You are in PREFIX LIST mode.
ip prefix-list prefix-name
2 Create a prex list with a sequence number and a deny or permit action.
seq sequence-number {deny | permit} ip-prefix [ge min-prefix-length] [le max-prefix-length]
The optional parameters are:
ge min-prefix-length: the minimum prex length to match (from 0 to 32).
le max-prefix-length: the maximum prex length to match (from 0 to 32).
Example of Assigning Sequence Numbers to Filters
If you want to forward all routes that do not match the prex list criteria, congure a prex list lter to permit all routes (permit le 32). The “permit all” lter must be the last lter in your prex list. To permit the default route only, enter permit
The following example shows how the seq command orders the lters according to the sequence number assigned. In the example, lter
20 was congured before lter 15 and 12, but the show config command displays the lters in the correct order.
DellEMC(conf-nprefixl)#seq 20 permit le 32
DellEMC(conf-nprefixl)#seq 12 deny /16
DellEMC(conf-nprefixl)#seq 15 deny /8 le 16
DellEMC(conf-nprefixl)#show config
Access Control Lists (ACLs)