Concept Guide

5 1 up up 7058 up 6956
6 1 up up 7058 up 7164
7 1 up up 12307 down 0
8 1 up up 7164 up 7164
9 1 up up 7058 up 7058
10 1 up up 7164 up 7058
11 1 up up 7058 up 7058
12 1 up up 7164 up 7058
Speed in RPM
Add Units to an Existing Stack
You can add units to an existing stack in one of three ways.
By manually assigning a new uncongured unit a position in an existing stack.
By adding a congured unit to an existing stack.
By merging two stacks.
If you are adding units to an existing stack, you can either:
allow Dell EMC Networking OS to automatically assign the new unit a position in the stack, or
manually determine each units position in the stack by conguring each unit to correspond with the stack before connecting it.
If you add a unit that has a stack number that conicts with the stack, the stack assigns the rst available stack number.
If the stack has a provision for the stack-number that will be assigned to the new unit, the provision must match the unit type, or Dell
EMC Networking OS generates a type mismatch error.
After the new unit loads, it synchronizes its running and startup congurations with the stack.
Manually Assigning a New Unit to an Existing Stack
To manually assign a new unit a position in an existing stack, use the following steps.
1 On the stack, determine the next available stack-unit number, and the management priority of the management unit.
EXEC Privilege mode
show system brief or show system stack-unit
2 On the new unit, number it the next available stack-unit number.
EXEC Privilege mode
stack-unit stack-unit-number renumber stack-unit-new-number
3 (OPTIONAL) On the new unit, assign a management priority based on whether you want the new unit to be the stack manager.
stack-unit stack-unit-number priority priority-number
4 Connect the new unit to the stack using stacking cables.
Example of Adding a Stack Unit with a Conicting Stack Number (Before and After)
The following example shows adding a stack unit with a conicting stack number (before).
Dell#show system brief
Stack MAC : 34:17:17:18:19:1e
Reload-Type : normal-reload [Next boot : normal-reload]