White Papers

You can enable WRED and ECN capabilities per queue for granularity. You can disable these functionality per queue, and you can also
specify the minimum and maximum buer thresholds for each color-coding of the packets. You can congure maximum drop rate
percentage of yellow and green proles. You can set up these parameters for both front-end and backplane ports.
Global Service Pools With WRED and ECN Settings
Support for global service pools is now available. You can congure global service pools that are shared buer pools accessed by multiple
queues when the minimum guaranteed buers for the queue are consumed. Two service pools are used– one for loss-based queues and
the other for lossless (priority-based ow control (PFC)) queues. You can enable WRED and ECN conguration on the global service-pools.
You can dene WRED proles and weight on each of the global service-pools for both loss-based and lossless (PFC) service- pools. The
following events occur when you congure WRED and ECN on global service-pools:
If WRED/ECN is enabled on the global service-pool with threshold values and if it is not enabled on the queues, WRED/ECN are not
eective based on global service-pool WRED thresholds. The queue on which the trac is scheduled must contain WRED/ECN
settings, which are enabled for WRED, to be valid for that trac.
When WRED is congured on the global service-pool (regardless of whether ECN on global service-pool is congured), and one or
more queues have WRED enabled and ECN disabled, WRED is eective for the minimum of the thresholds between the queue
threshold and the service-pool threshold.
When WRED is congured on the global service-pool (regardless of whether ECN on global service-pool is congured), and one or
more queues are enabled with both WRED and ECN, ECN marking takes eect. The packets are ECN marked up to shared- buer
limits as determined by the shared-ratio for that global service-pool.
WRED/ECN congurations for the queues that belong to backplane ports are common to all the backplane ports and cannot be specied
separately for each backplane port granularity. This behavior occurs to prevent system-level complexities in enabling this support for
backplane ports. Also, WRED/ECN is not supported for multicast packets.
The following table describes the WRED and ECN operations that occur for various scenarios of WRED and ECN conguration on the
queue and service pool. (X denotes not-applicable in the table, 1 indicates that the setting is enabled, 0 represents a disabled setting. )
Table 65. Scenarios of WRED and ECN
Queue Conguration Service-Pool
WRED Threshold
Q threshold = Q-T,
Service pool threshold =
Expected Functionality
0 0 X X X WRED/ECN not applicable
1 0 0 X X Queue based WRED,
No ECN marking
1 X Q-T < SP-T
SP-T < Q-T SP based WRED,
No ECN marking
1 1 0 X X Queue-based ECN marking above queue threshold.
ECN marking to shared buer limits of the service-pool and
then packets are tail dropped.
1 X Q-T < SP-T
SP-T < Q-T Same as above but ECN marking starts above SP-T.
Quality of Service (QoS) 679