Users Guide

Table Of Contents
For more information, see the IPMI Specification v2.0 chapter 22.26 Set User Access Command, 22.28 Set User Name
Command, and 22.30 Set User Password Command.
Request data byte 1[7]
0b-Do not change the following bits in this byte
1b-Enable changing bits in this byte
Request data byte 1[6] User restricted to callback
0b-User Privilege Limit is determined by the User Privilege Limit parameter for both callback and non-callback
1b-User Privilege Limit is determined by the User Privilege Limit parameter for callback connections, but is restricted to
Callback level for non-callback connections. A user can only initiate a callback when he/she 'calls in' to the BMC, but
after the callback connect is made, the user could potentially establish a session as an Operator.
Request data byte 1[5] User link authentication enable/disable. This is used to enable/disable a user's name and password
information for link authentication. Link authentication itself is a global setting for the channel and is enabled/disabled via the
serial or moden configuration parameters.
0b-disable user for link authentication
1b-enable user for link authentication
Request data byte 1User IPMI Messaging enable/disable. This is used to enable/disable a user's name and password
information for IPMI messaging. In this case, IPMI Messaging means the ability to execute generic IPMI commands that
are not associated with a particular payload type. For example, if you disable IPMI Messaging for a user, but that user is
enabled for activating the SOL payload type, IPMI commands associated with SOL and session management, such as Get
SOL Configuration parameters and Close Session are available, but generic IPMI commadns such as Get SEL Time are not.
0b-disable user for link authentication
1b-enable user for link authentication
Request data byte 2User ID
[7:6] reserved
[5:0] User ID. 00000b = reserved
Request data byte 3User limits
[7:6] reserved
[3:0] User Privilege Limit. This determines the maximum privilege level that the user can to switch to on the specified
5h-OEM Proprietary
Request data byte (4)User Session Limit. OptionalSets how many simultaneous sessions are activated with the
username associated with the user. If not supported, the username activates as many simultaneous sessions as the
implementation supports. If an attempt is made to set a non-zero value, a CCh "invalid data field" error returns.
[3:0]-User simultaneous session limit. 1=based. oh=only limited by the implementations support for simultaneous sessions.
Response data byte 1Completion code
If the user access level is set higher than the privilege limit for a given channel, the implementation does not
return an error completion code. If required, It is up to the software to check the channel privilege limits set using the
Set Channel Access command and provide notification of any mismatch.
Set User Name Command
Request date byte 1User ID
[5:0]-User ID. 000000b-reserved. User ID 1 is permanently associated with User 1, the null user name.
Request date byte 2:17User Name String in ASCII, 16 bytes maximum. Strings with fewer then 16 characters terminate
with a null (00h) character. The 00h character is padded to 16 bytes. When the string is read back using the Get User
Name command, those bytes return as 0s.
Response data byte 1Completion code
Configuration methods