Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Hardware and software support
For the most current BMC update information, see the VEP4600 Release Notes.
For more information about the intelligent platform management interface (IPMI), see the IPMI resources that are hosted by
Intel at
Required drivers
In Linux, the baseboard management controller (BMC) uses the ipmitool open-source tool during testing. To configure or
get data from the BMC, ipmitool sends ipmi commands to the BMC. You must have the IPMI driver that is installed to use
To access ipmitools, go to, search for ipmitools, and then select the See Project button.
NOTE: Although there are newer versions available, the ipmitool and driver versions that are used during testing the
BMC are:
Linux version: 4.9.30
ipmitool version: 1.8.18
ipmi driver that the ipmitool uses is built with kernel 4.9.30.
BMC access
Access BMC through the network interface from a remote machine. Use ipmitool for host and remote access.
LAN interfaceipmitool is the standard tool to access BMC over the network. A dummy static IP address is
preprogrammed in the BMC. You can change this dummy static IP address of the network interface using ipmitool
from the microprocessor console:
# ipmitool lan set 1 ipaddr <x.x.x.x>
8 Hardware and software support