Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Event filters screen
Alert policies settings
Alert policies settings options:
Policy Group Number
select from the drop-down menu a policy number that was configured in Event filter table.
Enable this alert
Check the option Enable to enable the policy settings.
Policy action
Choose from the drop-down menu a Policy set value.
Always send alert to this destination.
If alert to previous destination was successful, do not send alert to this destination. Proceed to next entry in this policy set.
If alert to previous destination was successful, do not send alert to this destination. Do not process any more entries in this
policy set.
If alert to previous destination was successful, do not send alert to this destination. Proceed to next entry in this policy set
that is to a different channel.
If alert to previous destination was successful, do not send alert to this destination. Proceed to next entry in this policy set
that is to a different destination type.
LAN Channel
Choose a particular destination from the configured destination drop-down menu list.
Destination Selector
Select a destination from the drop-down menu.
NOTE: LAN Destination have to be configured - under Configuration->PEF->LAN Destination.
Event Specific Alert String
Check the box to specify an event-specific Alert String.
Alert String Key
Select from the drop-down menu a set of values, all linked to strings kept in the PEF configuration parameters, to specify which
string is to be sent for this Alert Policy entry.