Reference Guide

CLI options
DellEmc Diag - LPC Tool
version 1.0, x.xx.x.x-x
build, 2017/05/23,
Syntax: lpctool <option>
Show the help-text:=
lpctool --h (or)
lpctool -h
Read the specified address:=
lpctool --read --addr=<address> --count=<number_of_bytes> [--size=<b,w or l>] (or)
lpctool -r -a <address> -C <number_of_bytes> [-z <b,w or l>]
Write data at the specified address:=
lpctool --write --addr=address --val=data [--size=b,w or l] (or)
lpctool -w -a <address> -V <data> [-z <b,w or l>]
Execute repeatedly command by count:=
lpctool --iteration=max/<count> [option1] [option2]... (or)
lpctool -I max/<count> [option1] [option2]...
-h, --h Show the help text
-w, --write Write operation
-r, --read Read operation
-z, --size= Size
-I, --iteration= Iteration command execution
-C, --count= Count
-a, --addr= Address
read Output
root@dell-diag-os:/opt/ngos/bin# ./lpctool --read --addr=102
Byte Port 0x102 : 0xde
write Output
root@dell-diag-os:/opt/ngos/bin# ./lpctool --write --addr=102 --val=10
The memtool tests the physical memories in the system.
The memtool performs address bus and data tests that moves 1s or 0s through the bus lines to detect stuck, missing, bridged, or other
issues found during board tests. The tool also places hamming values or addresses into memory to test and report failing bits. All tests are
similar to the memtest86 application but are available through the CLI.
In addition, the memtool reads the types and locations of memory in the system. The memory may be physical RAMs connected to the
CPU covered by caches, or memory attached or embedded in other devices or across buses. The tool must know the addressable location
of the memory, the memory address, data bus sizes, and any addressing constraints; for example, byte or word addressable boundaries.
The memtool allocates a memory region to tests in, which is either malloc space or opens a memory map to the memory, and passes
the pointer to access the memory.
Address Read—Causes read transactions on the memory bus. Address read can loop for several iterations, checking for any
changes in the data between iterations. You can specify patterns on the address bus for the bits to allow the testing for stuck address
Dell EMC DIAG OS tools