Reference Guide

Test RTC device with periodic interrupt:=
rtctool --testpie (or)
rtctool -p
Test the RTC device:=
rtctool --test (or)
rtctool -t
Set rtc to new time (input all params in same order):=
rtctool --setrtc --year=<year>, --mon=<month> --day=<day> --hour=<hour> --min=<min> --
sec=<sec> --tz=<offset>
rtctool -s -y <year> -m <month> -D <day> -H <hour> -M <min> -S <sec> -Z <offset>
Execute repeatedly command by count:=
rtctool --iteration=max/<count> [option1] [option2]... (or)
rtctool -I max/<count> [option1] [option2]...
-h, --help Show the help text
-r, --readrtc Read operation
-s, --setrtc Set operation
-u, --testuie Test RTC device with user interrupt
-a, --testaie Test RTC device with alarm interrupt
-p, --testpie Test RTC device with periodic interrupt
-I, --iteration= Iteration command execution
-y, --year= Year
-m, --month= Month
-D, --day= Day
-H, --hour= Hour
-M, --min= Minute
-S, --sec= Second
-Z, --offset= +12.0 to -12.0 timezone offset
The storagetool tests mounted storage media.
The tool searches for any device in /dev/hd*, sda, sdb, or sdc and tests using them. The tests are file-copy tests to the device in the
mounted file system. The files are written, compared and removed, leaving the file system as it was before the test. You can run more
tests using the bonnie++ tool and the tool reads SMART data from the device using the smart option.
The standard test creates a directory on the file system, opens a file for write, copies the file, compares the files, and reports errors.
The test repeats 10 times. After the test completes successfully, storagetool removes all the test files.
CLI options
DellEmc Diag - Storage Tool
version 1.1, x.xx.x.x-x
build, 2017/05/23,
Syntax: storagetool <option>
Show the help-text:=
storagetool --h (or)
storagetool -h
Mount usb device when inserted (mandatory):=
storagetool --mountusb (or)
storagetool -m
Unmount usb device before removed (mandatory):=
storagetool --unmountusb (or)
storagetool -u
List devices:=
storagetool --list (or)
storagetool -l
Test devices(empty for all):=
storagetool --test [--dev=<device>] (or)
storagetool -t [-D <device>
Dell EMC DIAG OS tools