Users Guide

Port rewall rules screen
Existing port Rules
This page displays list of Existing port rewall rules.
Click X icon to delete an item from the list.
To view the page, user must at least be an Operator. To add or delete a rewall, user must be an Administrator.
Add port rule
Port Single (or) Range Start
This eld is used to congure the port address or range of port addresses. A port address will support portv4 address format only:
Port value ranges from 1 to 65535.
: Port 80 is blocked for TCP/UDP protocols.
Port Range End
This eld is used to congure the port address or range of port addresses. A port address will support portv4 address format only:
Port value ranges from 1 to 65535.
: Port 80 is blocked for TCP/UDP protocols.
Enable Timeout
This option used to enable or disable rewall rules with timeout.
Start Date
The respective rewall rule eect will start from this date.
Start Time
The respective rewall rule eect will start from this time.
End Date
The respective rewall rule eect will end from this date.
End Time
The respective rewall rule eect will end from this time.