Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Cache1InstalledSize = 640 KB
Cache1Level = L1
Cache1Location = Internal
Cache1PrimaryStatus = OK
Cache1SRAMType = Unknown
Cache1Size = 640 KB
Cache1Type = Unified
Cache1WritePolicy = Write Back
Cache2Associativity = 16-way Set-Associative
Cache2ErrorMethodology = Single-bit ECC
Cache2InstalledSize = 10240 KB
Cache2Level = L2
Cache2Location = Internal
Cache2PrimaryStatus = OK
Cache2SRAMType = Unknown
Cache2Size = 10240 KB
Cache2Type = Unified
Cache2WritePolicy = Write Back
Cache3Associativity = Fully Associative
Cache3ErrorMethodology = Single-bit ECC
Cache3InstalledSize = 14080 KB
Cache3Level = L3
Cache3Location = Internal
Cache3PrimaryStatus = OK
Cache3SRAMType = Unknown
Cache3Size = 14080 KB
Cache3Type = Unified
Cache3WritePolicy = Write Back
Characteristics = 64-bit Capable
CurrentClockSpeed = 2200 MHz
DeviceDescription = CPU 2
ExecuteDisabledCapable = Yes
ExecuteDisabledEnabled = Yes
ExternalBusClockSpeed = 9600 MHz
FQDD = CPU.Socket.2
HyperThreadingCapable = Yes
HyperThreadingEnabled = Yes
InstanceID = CPU.Socket.2
LastSystemInventoryTime = 2020-11-06T23:13:06
LastUpdateTime = 2020-09-29T00:01:51
Manufacturer = Intel
MaxClockSpeed = 4000 MHz
Model = Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4114 CPU @ 2.20GHz
NumberOfEnabledCores = 10
NumberOfEnabledThreads = 20
NumberOfProcessorCores = 10
PPIN = 0F8534E55425684D
PrimaryStatus = OK
TurboModeCapable = Yes
TurboModeEnabled = Yes
VirtualizationTechnologyCapable = Yes
VirtualizationTechnologyEnabled = Yes
Voltage = 1.8 V
[InstanceID: Enclosure.Internal.0-1:RAID.Slot.4-1]
Device Type = Enclosure
Connector = 0
DeviceDescription = Backplane 1 on Connector 0 of RAID Controller in Slot 4
EMMCount = 0
FQDD = Enclosure.Internal.0-1:RAID.Slot.4-1
FanCount = 0
InstanceID = Enclosure.Internal.0-1:RAID.Slot.4-1
LastSystemInventoryTime = 2020-11-06T23:13:52
LastUpdateTime = 2020-11-06T23:13:52
PSUCount = 0
PrimaryStatus = OK
ProductName = BP14G+ 0:1
RollupStatus = OK
SlotCount = 8
State = Ready
TempProbeCount = 0
Version = 4.2
RACADM Subcommand Details