CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 21. Details of diagnostics (continued)
-s <start time>Specifies the start time for the scheduled job in yyyymmddhhmmss format.
The default value TIME_NOW starts the job immediately.
-e <expiration time>Specifies the expiry time for the scheduled job in yyyymmddhhmmss
format. The default value TIME_NA does not apply the waiting time.
NOTE: For the diagnostic report run operation, the time difference between the -s and -e options
must be more than five minutes.
Output Provides the Job ID for the diagnostic operation.
To initiate the remote diagnostic operation:
racadm diagnostics run -m 1 -r forced -s 20121215101010 -e TIME_NA
To export a remote diagnostics report to CIFS share:
racadm diagnostics export -f diagnostics -l //192.168.0/cifs -u
administrator -p xxx
To export a remote diagnostics report to NFS share:
racadm diagnostics export -f diagnostics -l 192.168.0:/nfs -u
administrator -p xxx
To export a remote diagnostics report to the HTTP share:
racadm diagnostics export -f diags.txt -u httpuser -p httppwd -l
To export a remote diagnostics report to the HTTPS share:
racadm diagnostics export -f diags.txt -u httpsuser -p httpspwd -l
To export a remote diagnostics report to a local share:
racadm diagnostics export -f diags.txt
Table 22. Details of driverpack
Description Installs the driver pack for the operating system.
To get information about the available driver packs
racadm driverpack getinfo
To attach the driver pack that matches the operating system
Racadm driverpack attach -i <index> -t <expose duration>
To detach the driver pack
Racadm driverpack detach
-iindex of the operating system
-texposed time duration in seconds. It is an optional parameter and the default value is 64800
racadm driverpack getinfo<OS name>
Racadm driverpack attachJob Id details
RACADM Subcommand Details 43