Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 90. Details of serialcapture
Description The serialcapture subcommand is used to is used to export and clear serial data captured from the system.
To run this subcommand, you must have the following privileges:
NOTE: To run clear and export commands, the target server must have iDRAC Datacenter license.
To clear serial data.
racadm serialcapture clear
To export serial data.
racadm serialcapture export -u <shareuser> -p <sharepassword> -l <NFS/
CIFS/HTTP/HTTPS share> -f <FileName>
-fFilename of the exported serial data.
-uUsername of the remote share to where the file must be exported. The username must be
specified as domain/username.
-pPassword for the remote share to where the file must be exported.
-lNetwork share location to where the serial data captured must be exported. For more information
on NFS or CIFS or HTTP or HTTPS share, see section on Usage examples.
To clear serial data buffer.
racadm serialcapture clear
To export serial data to CIFS share.
racadm serialcapture export -u cifsuser -p cifspassword -l //
cifsshare -f datafile
To export serial data to NFS share.
racadm serialcapture export -u nfssuser -p nfspassword -l
nfsshare -f datafile
To export serial data to HTTP share.
racadm serialcapture export -u httpuser -p httppassword -l http:/
httpshare -f datafile
To export serial data to HTTPS share.
racadm serialcapture export -u httpsuser -p httpspassword -l https:/ -f datafile
Table 91. sensorsettings
Description Allows you to perform threshold settings of the sensor.
To run this subcommand, you must have Configure iDRAC privilege.
NOTE: An error message is displayed when the following is performed:
A set operation is performed on an unsupported FQDD.
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