Reference Guide

Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation Reference Guide
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Dell™ OpenManage™ Client Instrumentation Reference Guide
The Dell™ OpenManage™ Client Instrumentation (OMCI) software enables remote management application programs to access information about the client system, monitor the status of the client system, or change the state of the system, such as shutting it down
remotely. OMCI exposes, through standard interfaces, key system parameters that allow administrators to manage, inventory, monitor the system health of, and gather information on deployed Dell client systems.
Note: All classes or properties listed in the reference guide may not be supported on all Dell systems.
List of Tables
Table 1-1 Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation Classes and Description
Table 1-2
Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation Information Classes and Properties
Table 1-3
Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation Components Classes and Properties
Table 1-4
Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation Hardware Resource Classes and Properties
Table 1-5
Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation Sensors Classes and Properties
Table 1-6
Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation Configuration Classes and Properties
Table 1-7
Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation Event Classes and Properties
Table 1-8
Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation Asset Information Class and Properties
Table 1-9
Dell Cost Of Ownership Classes and Description.
Table 1-10
Dell Cost Of Ownership Classes and Properties
Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation Classes and Properties
Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation (OMCI) Classes
Namespace Information
The namespace for access to the Dell OMCI classes is root\DellOMCI.
Dell OMCI provides information in the above mentioned namespace through a number of classes in the namespace. Table 1-1
lists all the Dell OMCI classes and description of the classes.
Table 1-1: Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation Classes and Description
This class defines the general information about the portable battery(s) in the system.
Dell_BIOSElement This class defines the low-level software that is loaded into non-volatile storage and used to bring up and configure a computer system.
This class defines the properties used for selecting the boot device order using Dell System Management BIOS.
Dell_CacheMemory This class defines properties of System Caches installed in the system.
This class defines properties of the system enclosure.
Dell_Configuration This class defines properties used for setting parameters in the Dell System Management BIOS.
This class describes the properties of electrical current probes in this system.
Dell_DeviceBay This class defines device bays characteristics.
This class defines the physical properties of disk mass storage devices in the system.
This class represents the capabilities and management capacity of a partitioned area of a physical disk.
Dell_DMA This class defines characteristics for DMA channels in the system.
This class defines general information about the docking station.
Dell_DynamicStates This class defines the dynamic states information in the portable system.
This class defines various properties for cooling devices in this system.
Dell_FlatPanel This class describes Capabilities and management of the flat panel logical device on notebook computers.
This class provides the password status of supported hard disk drives in the system
Dell_HardDiskDriveSequence This class defines the properties used for selecting the priority of hard-disk drives for booting using Dell System Management BIOS.
This class defines the content of Dell indications. It has the same properties as class CIM_AlertIndication of DMTF Event MOF Specification 2.7 does.
This class defines the polling configuration for event sources.
Dell_IndicationConsumer This class defines the properties for Dell indication consumer.
This class defines the static values of Dell indications. It has the same properties as class Dell_Indication, except that it doesn't have the three properties: Indication Time, Description, and Perceived Severity. It is
used to populate the static values of Dell_Indication
Dell_InfraredController This class defines properties of infrared controllers.
This class provides reporting on applicable Intel(R) AMT Settings.
Dell_IntelASFSettings This class provides reporting on applicable Intel ASF Settings.

Summary of content (62 pages)