CIM Reference Guide

Dell-defined Classes 77
Dell-defined Classes
The Dell-defined classes are defined and populated by Dell rather than by CIM. None of these
classes have a parent class and are on the same level as CIM_ManagedSystemElement. For
information on how the logs are formatted, see Table 2-5, “DELL_Chassis Properties.”
The DELL_EsmLog class described in Table 4-1 records failure threshold violations collected by
Server Administrator’s embedded server management (ESM) capabilities.
Table 4-1. DELL_EsmLog Properties
Class Name: DELL_EsmLog
Parent Class: None
Property Description Data Type
RecordNumber Provides an index to the ESM table. uint32
LogRecord Provides the ESM message content. string
EventTime Indicates the time that the message is generated. datetime
Status Indicates the severity of the event that caused the log to
be generated.