Messages Reference Guide

60 Storage Management Message Reference
2056 Virtual disk failed Critical /
Failure /
Cause: One or more physical disks included
in the virtual disk have failed. If the virtual
disk is non-redundant (does not use mirrored
or parity data), then the failure of a single
physical disk can cause the virtual disk to fail.
If the virtual disk is redundant, then more
physical disks have failed than can be rebuilt
using mirrored or parity information.
Create a new virtual disk and restore
from a backup.
1204 508
2057 Virtual disk degraded Warning /
Cause 1: This alert message occurs when a
physical disk included in a redundant virtual
disk fails. Because the virtual disk is redundant
(uses mirrored or parity information) and
only one physical disk has failed, the virtual
disk can be rebuilt.
Action 1: Configure a hot spare for the virtual
disk if one is not already configured. Rebuild
the virtual disk. When using an Expandable
RAID Controller (PERC) 2/SC, 3/SC, 2/DC,
3/DCL, 3/DC, 3/QC, 4/SC, 4/DC, 4e/DC,
4/Di, or CERC ATA100/4ch controller,
rebuild the virtual disk by first configuring a
hot spare for the disk, and then initiating a
write operation to the disk. The write
operation will initiate a rebuild of the disk.
Cause 2: A physical disk in the array has been
Action 2: If a physical disk was removed from
the array, either replace the disk or restore the
original disk. You can identify which disk has
been removed by locating the disk that has a
red “X” for its status. Perform a rescan after
replacing the disk.
1203 509
2058 Virtual disk check
consistency started
Ok / Normal Cause: This alert is provided for
informational purposes.
Action: None
1201 520
Table 4-1. Storage Management Messages (continued)
Event ID Description Severity Cause and Action SNMP Trap