Messages Reference Guide

Storage Management Message Reference 79
2162 Communication
Ok / Normal Cause: Communication with an enclosure
has been restored. This alert is provided for
informational purposes.
Action: None
851 None
2163 Rebuild completed
with errors
Ok / Normal See the online help for more information. 904 690
2164 See the Readme file
for a list of validated
controller driver
Ok / Normal Cause: Storage Management is unable to
determine whether the system has the
minimum required versions of the
RAID controller drivers.
Action: This alert is generated for
informational purposes. See the Readme
file for driver and firmware requirements.
In particular, if Storage Management
experiences performance problems, you
should verify that you have the minimum
supported versions of the drivers and
firmware installed.
101 None
2165 The RAID controller
firmware and driver
validation was not
performed. The
configuration file
cannot be opened.
Warni ng /
Cause: Storage Management is unable to
determine whether the system has the
minimum required versions of the
RAID controller firmware and drivers. This
situation may occur for a variety of reasons.
For example, the installation directory path
to the configuration file may not be correct.
The configuration file may also have been
removed or renamed.
Action: Reinstall Storage Management
753 None
2166 The RAID controller
firmware and driver
validation was not
performed. The
configuration file is
out of date or
Warni ng /
Cause: Storage Management is unable to
determine whether the system has the
minimum required versions of the
RAID controller firmware and drivers. This
situation has occurred because a configuration
file is unreadable or missing data. The
configuration file may be corrupted.
Action: Reinstall Storage Management.
753 None
Table 4-1. Storage Management Messages (continued)
Event ID Description Severity Cause and Action SNMP Trap