User's Manual

192 Using the Storage Management Service
omconfig Offline Array Disk
Use the following omconfig command syntax to offline an array disk:
Complete Syntax
omconfig storage adisk action=offline controller=id adisk=<ADISKID>
where id is the controller ID. The <ADISK> variable specifies the array disk.
To obtain these values, enter omreport storage controller to display the controller IDs and then enter
omreport storage adisk controller=ID to display the IDs for the array disks attached to the controller.
Example Syntax
In this example, you want to offline array disk 3 on connector 0 of controller 1. On a SAS controller, the
array disk resides in enclosure 2.
Example for SCSI, SATA, and ATA Controllers:
To offline the array disk described in this example, enter:
omconfig storage adisk action=offline controller=1 adisk=0:3
Example for SAS Controllers:
To offline the array disk described in this example, enter:
omconfig storage adisk action=offline controller=1 adisk=0:2:3
omconfig Online Array Disk
Use the following omconfig command syntax to bring an offline array disk back online.
Complete Syntax
omconfig storage adisk action=online controller=id adisk=<ADISKID>
where id is the controller ID. The <ADISK> variable specifies the array disk.
To obtain these values, you would enter omreport storage controller to display the controller IDs and
then enter omreport storage adisk controller=ID to display the IDs for the array disks attached to
the controller.
Example Syntax
In this example, you want to bring array disk 3 on connector 0 of controller 1 back online. On a SAS
controller, the array disk resides in enclosure 2.
Example for SCSI, SATA, and ATA Controllers:
To bring the array disk described in this example back online, enter:
omconfig storage adisk action=online controller=1 adisk=0:3