User's Manual

20 omhelp: Getting Help With CLI Commands
Figure 2-1 shows the levels of help for a command.
Figure 2-1. Different Levels of Help for a Command
You can also parse the omconfig system assetinfo command as follows:
<command level 1 command level 2 command level 3> <name=value pair 1>
[name=value pair 2]
where command levels 1, 2, and 3 are represented by omconfig system assetinfo, name=value pair 1 is
represented by info=depreciation, and name=value pair 2 is represented by method=straightline.
To set your depreciation method to straight line, type:
omconfig system assetinfo info=depreciation method=straightline
The CLI responds with the following message:
Asset information set successfully.
When you type
omconfig system assetinfo -?, the help that displays provides information about
assigning values for the name and option fields. Partial results for the request omconfig system assetinfo
-? are as follows:
assetinfo Set asset information.
For one info value, specify one or more optional parameter(s). Table 2-1 displays the optional parameters
for info=acquisition: