User's Manual

omdiag: Using the Diagnostic Service 23
omdiag: Using the Diagnostic Service
The omdiag command allows you to test chassis and storage components such as hard drives,
physical memory, communications and printer ports, Network Interface Controllers (NICs), CMOS,
and more.
Most tests described in this section take less than one minute. Some tests can take longer depending
on the device being tested. You cannot abort tests you start through the command line interface.
NOTICE: If you run omdiag commands from more than one console when the DSM SA Connection Service
(for systems running Microsoft
) or dsm_om_connsvc (for systems running
Enterprise Server and Red Hat
Enterprise Linux) is not running, then the test in the first console will run to
completion, but the test(s) in the subsequent console(s) may exit with a "Test was interrupted" message.
NOTE: You can abort a Diagnostic Service test run through the CLI by using the Diagnostic Status window in
the Server Administrator GUI. Click the Diagnostics tab, click Status, and click Abort to stop the currently
running test or click Abort All to stop the currently running test and all queued tests.
NOTE: You cannot use <Ctrl-C> to cancel a CLI session from the console. However, tests started from the CLI
can be aborted using the "Abort" link in the "Diagnostic Status" page in the GUI.
NOTE: If the secure port server is not running when you type an omdiag command, there will be a noticeable
delay before the command executes because the system must check the hardware to determine the
diagnostic information to display.
NOTE: On systems running the Microsoft Windows operating system, the enumeration process requires that
the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) services be running.
Table 3-1 is a high-level summary of the omdiag command. The columns titled "Command level 2"
and "Command level 3" list the major arguments that can be used with omdiag. The "Use" column
provides a very general statement about the actions that can be performed using omdiag. More
details about syntax and use of the command appear later in this section.
Table 3-1. omdiag Command Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3
level 1
level 2
level 3
about Displays version number and properties for the
Server Administrator program.
Displays information for all of the Server
Administrator programs that are installed.