User's Manual

omconfig: Managing Components Using the Instrumentation Service 89
id=user id
dracusergroup=admin | poweruser |
guest | testalert | custom | none
id=user id: User ID of the user being
NOTE: Only RAC groups can be
configured. The option dracusergroup
is available only if DRAC 5 is present on
the system.
dracusergroup=admin: Enables the
Administrator User privileges.
dracusergroup=poweruser: Enables
the Power User privileges.
dracusergroup=guest: Enables the
Guest User privileges.
dracusergroup=testalert: Enables the
Test Alert User privileges.
dracusergroup=custom: Enables the
Custom User privileges.
NOTE: See Table 5-4 for more
information on the name=value pair.
dracusergroup=none: Does not
enable User privileges.
id=number lanaccesslevel=
administrator | operator | user| none
id=number: ID number of the user
being configured.
lanaccesslevel=administrator: User
with an ID has access privileges of an
Administrator for the LAN channel.
lanaccesslevel=operator: User with
an ID has access privileges of an
Operator for the LAN channel.
lanaccesslevel=user: User with an ID
has access privileges of a User for the
LAN channel.
lanaccesslevel=none: User with an ID
does not have access privileges for the
LAN channel.
Table 5-3. omconfig chassis bmc (continued)
name=value pair 1
name=value pair 2 Description