Users Guide

Storage Management Service 111
Cancel Reconfigure.
Use the Cancel Reconfigure task to cancel a virtual disk reconfiguration while it
is in progress.
Format and Initialize; Slow and Fast Initialize.
Use the Format or Initialize; Slow and Fast Initialize
task to erase files and remove the file systems on a virtual disk.
Cancel Background Initialization.
On some controllers, background initialization of redundant
virtual disks begins automatically after the virtual disk is created. Use this task if you need to cancel the
background initialization.
Restore Dead Segments.
Use the Restore Dead Segments task to recover data from a RAID-5 virtual
disk that has been corrupted.
Use this task to destroy all data on the virtual disk.
Assign and Unassign Dedicated Hot Spare.
See "Assign and Unassign Global Hot Spare."
Check Consistency, Cancel Check Consistency, Pause Check Consistency, and Resume Check
See "Maintain Integrity of Redundant Virtual Disks."
Blink and Unblink.
The Blink and Unblink tasks blink or unblink the lights on the array disks included
in the virtual disk.
Use this task to rename a virtual disk.
Change Policy.
Use this task to change a virtual disk's read, write, or cache policy.
Split Mirror.
Use this task to separate mirrored data originally configured as a RAID 1, RAID 1-
concatenated, or RAID 10 virtual disk.
Use this task to separate mirrored data and restore one half of the mirror to free space.
Additional Storage Management Features and Documentation
For complete documentation on the Storage Management Service, see the Storage Management online
help and the Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Storage Management User's Guide. For information
on how to launch the online help, see "Displaying Online Help."
Migrating from Array Manager to the Storage Management
If you replace an existing Array Manager installation with Storage Management, the following migration
considerations apply:
Virtual Disk Preservation
. You can preserve the virtual disk names when migrating from Array
Manager to Storage Management. To do so, however, you must not uninstall Array Manager prior to
installing Storage Management. If Array Manager is uninstalled prior to installing Storage
Management, then Storage Management will rename the virtual disks created with Array Manager.
Whether or not Array Manager is uninstalled, Storage Management will be able to identify and
manage the virtual disks created with Array Manager.