Users Guide

78 Instrumentation Service
Firmware/Driver Versions
Clicking the Firmware/Driver Version object allows you to view information about the version of the
driver and firmware that are currently installed on the controller. The firmware and driver properties can
vary depending on the model of the controller.
Firmware and driver properties may include:
Firmware Version
Minimum Required Firmware Version
Driver Version
Minimum Required Driver Version
Storage Component Severity
The status of a component is graded for degrees of severity. Each level of severity requires you to take
different actions in response. For example, you must take immediate reparative action in response to a
Warning or Critical/Failure status to avoid any data loss.
It may be useful to review the Alert Log for events indicating why a component has a Warning or
Critical status. For additional troubleshooting information, see the Storage Management online help.
NOTE: The status displayed reflects the status at the time the browser first displayed the page. If you believe the
status has changed and wish to update the displayed information, click the Refresh button in the upper-right corner
of the action window. Some storage configuration changes can only be detected if you perform a controller
rescan; click the Information/Configuration tab in the required controller and click Rescan.
Table 6-1 explains the various severity levels and the corresponding component status.
Table 6-1. Severity Levels and Component Status
Severity Level Component Status
Normal/OK. The component is working as expected.
Warning/Non-critical. A probe or other monitoring device has detected a reading
for the component that is above or below the acceptable level. The component
may still be functioning, but it could fail. The component may also be
functioning in an impaired state. Data loss is possible.
Critical/Failure/Error. The component has either failed or failure is imminent.
The component requires immediate attention and may need to be replaced. Data
loss may have occurred.