Reference Guide

Power Group 149
Battery Status
Battery Reading
Battery Location Name
Power Group Variable Values
This section includes definitions for server administrator-specific variable values used in this section.
Name batteryStatus
Object ID
Description Defines the status of the battery.
Syntax DellStatus
Access Read-only
Name batteryReading
Object ID
Description Defines the reading of the battery.
Syntax DellBatteryReading (see Table )
Access Read-only
Name batteryLocationName
Object ID
Description Defines the location of the battery.
Syntax DellString
Access Read-only
Table 8-1. Power Supply State Capabilities Unique
Variable Name: DellPowerSupplyStateCapabilitiesUnique
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
unknown(1) The power supply’s capabilities are unknown.
onlineCapable(2) The power supply can be disabled (offline, a binary 0 value) or
enabled (online, a binary 1 value).
notReadyCapable(4) The power supply’s capabilities are not ready.