Reference Guide

Thermal Group 161
Cooling Device State Capabilities
Cooling Device State Settings
Cooling Device Status
Cooling Device Reading
Name coolingDeviceStateCapabilities
Object ID
Description Defines the capabilities of the cooling device.
Syntax DellStateCapabilities
Access Read-only
Name coolingDeviceStateSettings
Object ID
Description Defines the state and settings of the cooling device.
Syntax DellStateSettings
Access Read-write
Name coolingDeviceStatus
Object ID
Description Defines the status of the cooling device.
Syntax DellStatusProbe
Access Read-only
Name coolingDeviceReading
Object ID
Description Defines either the cooling device’s speed in revolutions per minute (RPM),
or the off/on value of the fan.
When the value for coolingDeviceSubType is other than
coolingDeviceSubTypeIsDiscrete, the value returned for this attribute is the
speed in RPM or the OFF/ON value of the cooling device. When the value
for coolingDeviceSubType is coolingDeviceSubTypeIsDiscrete, a value is
not returned for this attribute.
Syntax DellSigned32BitRange
Access Read-only