Reference Guide

Thermal Group 169
Temperature Probe Probe Capabilities
Temperature Probe Discrete Reading
Thermal Group Variable Values
This section includes definitions for server administrator-specific variable values used in this section.
Name temperatureProbeProbeCapabilities
Object ID
Description Defines the probe capabilities of the temperature probe.
Syntax DellProbeCapabilities
Access Read-only
Name temperatureProbeDiscreteReading
Object ID
Description Defines the reading for a temperature probe of type
When the value for temperatureProbeType is other than
temperatureProbeTypeIsDiscrete, a value is not returned for this
attribute. When the value for temperatureProbeType is
temperatureProbeTypeIsDiscrete, the value returned for this
attribute is the discrete reading for the probe.
Syntax DellTemperatureDiscreteReading (See Table 9-5)
Access Read-only
Table 9-1. Cooling Device Type
Variable Name: DellCoolingDeviceType
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
coolingDeviceTypeIsOther(1) The cooling device type is not one of the following:
coolingDeviceTypeIsUnknown(2) The cooling device type is unknown (not known or not
coolingDeviceTypeIsAFan(3) The cooling device type is a fan.
coolingDeviceTypeIsABlower(4) The cooling device type is a centrifugal blower.
coolingDeviceTypeIsAChipFan(5) The cooling device type is a fan on an integrated circuit.
coolingDeviceTypeIsACabinetFan(6) The cooling device type is a cabinet fan.