Reference Guide

User Security Group 173
User Security Group
The User Security Table defines the objects that allow administrators to create and modify
user accounts and to control which users can perform Set operations on managed systems.
User Security Group Table
The User Security Group defines objects in the User Security MIB table.
User Security Table
The following object sets up the User Security Table:
User Security Table Entry
User Security Chassis Index
Name userSecurityTable
Object ID
Description Contains the database of users that are authorized to perform Set
operations on a managed system.
Syntax UserSecurityTableEntry
Access Not accessible
Name userSecurityTableEntry
Object ID
Description Defines a row in the User Security Table.
Syntax UserSecurityTableEntry
Access Not accessible
Index userSecuritychassisIndex, userSecurityIndex
Name userSecuritychassisIndex
Object ID
Description Defines the user security index (one-based) of this chassis.
Syntax DellObjectRange
Access Read-only