Reference Guide

Device Group 273
Table 13-17. Memory Device Type Details
Variable Name: DellMemoryDeviceTypeDetails
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
deviceTypeDeatilIsOther(1) The detailed device type is not one of the
deviceTypeDetailIsUnknown(2) The detailed device type is unknown.
deviceTypeDetailIsFastPaged(3) The detailed device type is fast paged.
deviceTypeDetailIsStaticColumn(4) The detailed device type is static column.
deviceTypeDetailIsPseudoStatic(5) The detailed device type is pseudo-static.
deviceTypeDetailIsRAMBUS(6) The detailed device type is RAMBUS.
deviceTypeDetailIsSynchronous(7) The detailed device type is synchronous.
deviceTypeDetailIsCMOS(8) The detailed device type is CMOS.
deviceTypeDetailIsEDO(9) The detailed device type is EDO.
deviceTypeDetailIsWindowDRAM(10) The detailed device type is "Window" DRAM.
deviceTypeDetailIsCacheDRAM(11) The detailed device type is Cache DRAM.
deviceTypeDetailIsNonVolatile(12) The detailed device type is nonvolatile.
Table 13-18. Generic Device Type
Variable Name: DellGenericDeviceType
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
deviceTypeIsOther(1) Device type is not one of the following:
deviceTypeIsUnknown(2) Device type is unknown.
deviceTypeIsAVideoDevice(3) Device type is a video.
deviceTypeIsASCSIController(4) Device type is a SCSI controller.
deviceTypeIsAnEthernetDevice(5) Device type is Ethernet.
deviceTypeIsTokenRingDevice(6) Device type is token ring.
deviceTypeIsASoundDevice(7) Device type is sound.